InnoConnect was, together with 4 other SMEs in Czechia, selected by the EU H2020 BOWI project to take part in 10 month-long technology transfer experiment. More details in the BOWI press release.
From January 2021, InnoConnect will start working on FlowMap, an analytical mobility dashboard for the Pilsen region, empowering users to understand mobility IoT data through interactive visualisation in map and charts.
FlowMap will be built with GLayer, our technology focused on interactive visualisation of big & complex multidimensional spatial data through linked views. It relies on WebGL and uses the scalable power of multiple parallel GPUs to render millions of records in milliseconds.
Several big mobility data sources shall be integrated in FlowMap, e.g. the floating car data provided by the Czech Directorate of Roads and Highways (ŘSD) and the traffic sensor data provided by the City of Pilsen from approximately 1000 sensors installed throughout the city.