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  5. GeoJsonMap


Example of GeoJsonMap Layers – one with static text labels only and one with polygon borders that can be used for filtering

This layer type is used to show static GeoJson data that does not depend on user selection, e.g., borders, landmarks, etc.

In addition to Common layer settings, the GeoJsonMap layer type has the following settings:

  • Data:
    URL of a valid and CORS accessible GeoJson file.
  • Feature type:
    One of the compatible mapbox layer types. Selected layer type will affect which paint and layout properties will be usable in this layer, e.g. if fill type is selected, only properties from mapbox fill layer will be usable in paint and layout.
  • Use for filtering:
    When set to true, the GeoJson features in this map will be available as predefined polygon filters (only applicable to point data maps).
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