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  5. Basic Information

Basic Information

The Map tab in Project Settings can help you configure the visualization of data with different map layers using the Mapbox framework.

In the General Settings section, you can configure the following:

  • Latitude of map center:
    Default map center latitude in degrees.
  • Longitude of map center:
    Default map center longitude in degrees.
  • Default Zoom Level:
    Zoom level between 0 (farthest) and 22 (closest). For details about zoom level, see Mapbox Zoom Level.

In the Layers section, you can add 5 different types of layers:

  • HeatMap:
    HeatMap is used to visualize the frequency of data points in a location for point-based maps, e.g., locations with the most accidents in a city.
  • GeoJsonMap:
    GeoJsonMap shows static GeoJson data that does not depend on user selection, e.g., borders, landmarks, etc.
  • PointInfoMap:
    PointInfoMap is the primary information source for point-based data. Points on this layer type can be filtered by their attributes and can be examined individually, e.g., traffic accident data with a point for each recorded accident.
  • FeatureMap:
    FeatureMap is the primary information source for feature-based data. Unlike point data, features are not filtered out by their attributes; only their values are changed, e.g., traffic on a street and its changes over time.
  • VTFeatureMap:
    VTFeatureMap is functionally equivalent to FeatureMap but renders the features as vector tiles which can have a positive performance impact on projects with a large number of features.
  • RealtimeFeatureMap:
    RealTimeFeatureMap is a special case of the basic FeatureMap layer with feature attributes changed in real-time from an external source, e.g., current traffic on a street.

Additionally, you can import valid Mapbox style options for the background map in the Background styles section. This option allows the customization of the background map to fit your application, e.g., displaying a satellite or street-focused background map. Each background style consists of a name and a URL for a valid Mapbox style. Optionally, you can also add a dark theme version of the background style and a preview image. The “Allow user selection” checkbox determines whether the users will be able to choose from your predefined styles or whether the first one will be used automatically. For details on Mapbox styles, see Mapbox Style Specification and predefined Mapbox Styles.

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